Amazon Sword Plants holes
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JK Coney
2009-11-12 01:54:26 UTC
Who's more likely to be eating my plants? Pleco's or mystery snails? Both
introduced at the same time, and I don't catch either one in the act. Holes
up and down leaves.
JK Sinrod
2009-11-12 08:18:56 UTC
Post by JK Coney
Who's more likely to be eating my plants? Pleco's or mystery snails? Both
introduced at the same time, and I don't catch either one in the act. Holes
up and down leaves.
My bet is on the snails.
I've kept Plec's (and Ancistrus) and not known them to eat plants, just
rasp algae from the leaves.
A Paul Ing
2009-11-12 13:02:48 UTC
  Who's more likely to be eating my plants? Pleco's or mystery snails? Both
introduced at the same time, and I don't catch either one in the act. Holes
up and down leaves.
JK Sinrod
Who really gives a shit dude. Certainly no one that frequents these
gropups gives a rats ass about your plants or you or any thing
else..now move the hell along and do not let the door hit you in the
ass on your way out.
2009-11-12 18:52:35 UTC
Post by JK Coney
Who's more likely to be eating my plants? Pleco's or mystery snails? Both
introduced at the same time, and I don't catch either one in the act. Holes
up and down leaves.
Based on my experience with both, I'd guess snails.
JK Coney
2009-11-14 07:29:59 UTC
Post by JK Coney
Who's more likely to be eating my plants? Pleco's or mystery snails? Both
introduced at the same time, and I don't catch either one in the act.
Holes up and down leaves.
I isolated the 3 big snails in a small floating guppy breeder with a
few of the fallen leaves. Wonder what kind of care they need? Short of
throwing them out, I can't think of what else to do with them, if in fact
they are the ones eating the plants. Before you say it, escargot just
doesn't seem right?
JK Sinrod
2009-11-14 09:02:17 UTC
Post by JK Coney
Post by JK Coney
Who's more likely to be eating my plants? Pleco's or mystery snails? Both
introduced at the same time, and I don't catch either one in the act.
Holes up and down leaves.
I isolated the 3 big snails in a small floating guppy breeder with a
few of the fallen leaves. Wonder what kind of care they need? Short of
throwing them out, I can't think of what else to do with them, if in fact
they are the ones eating the plants. Before you say it, escargot just
doesn't seem right?
As I'm seeing this in a Cichlid newsgroup, perhaps a couple of 12" Oscars
might help.
You'd probably need to remove the shells 1st though :)

They wouldn't call it escargot; just lunch.
A Paul Ing
2009-11-14 14:50:14 UTC
 Who's more likely to be eating my plants? Pleco's or mystery snails? Both
introduced at the same time, and I don't catch either one in the act.
Holes up and down leaves.
     I isolated the 3 big snails in a small floating guppy breeder with a
few of the fallen leaves.  Wonder what kind of care they need? Short of
throwing them out, I can't think of what else to do with them, if in fact
they are the ones eating the plants. Before you say it, escargot just
doesn't seem right?
JK Sinrod
You all need to try humping the big snails, ONce yo get your wee wee
in side them its just like a slimey vagina. Then you can also do your
butt hole with a 12 inch oscar, and lots of KY jelly. The oscars seem
top enjoy it and the ky jelly washes right off along with any crap
that may accumulate

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