"Maria" <***@somewhere.com> wrote in message news:iQ5rm.135798$e%***@newsfe13.ams2...
| "Angela" <***@chificREMOVE.com> wrote in message
| news:***@brightview.com...
| >
| > "Maria" <***@somewhere.com> wrote in message
| > news:Atapm.5915$***@newsfe28.ams2...
| > | Established fish tank (160 ltrs), suddenly having an amonia problem!!!
| > Put
| > | ammo chips in the filter and now, as recomended by the pet store,
| > | nutrafin cycle. Hunted round for any dead fish, none lurking about.
| > the
| > | normal water changes and when cleaning the filter, using the water
| > out
| > | to wash them. Any ideas anyone...still having trouble getting the
| > levels
| > | down.
| > | thanx
| >
| > What is your ammonia reading? Sounds like your tank is recycling for
| > reason, probably something has killed off the bacteria. Best to use
| > changes rather than chemicals as chemical often prolong the cycling
| > process.
| > I presume your vacuuming the gravel? You are treating the water before
| > you
| > put it in at water changes? Chlorine will kill your bacteria.
| >
| > Large (50-89%) water changes twice a day are needed to get the ammonia
| > down
| > as it's highly toxic, cut back feeding to half the amount and only every
| > or 3 days. You also need to be testing for nitrites. Only when you're
| > getting zero reading for both are you and your fish home and dry.
| >
| >
| >Was hovering between 2 and 3...now got it down to 1. Yes hoovering and
| >treating the water. Nitrates and nitrites both fine, I'll keep up with
| >water changes...just seems a mystery!
| thanx
Your nitrites are likely to go up so keep an eye on them. Do you have
another mature tank you could swap the filter over with?