On May 23, 5:10 pm, Tynk <***@gmail.com> wrote:
<---------- IMPOSTOR Tynk
Poor Roy Hauer, the poser and troll failure.
He sits by his computer all day, and all night. Just waiting for the
real Tynk to post something just so he can change the title, text, or
just make false or vulgar reply.
He really sits there waiting and waiting. Every day. This is all he
has to do in life.
How pathetic is that!
When one screen name/email address is banned for abuse, he just
creates a new one.
He does this to get around your filters/blockers.
Instead of enjoying what life he has left, he sits there in front of
his screen just waiting for me post something. Anything. Just so he
can try to anger me.
He's tried to do this (and failed) for years now. I don't know what
makes him think it's going to miraculously work this day, but he
All he has in life is waiting on me. He makes up lies about me, calls
me vulgar names, you name. All just to try and make me mad. (I find
this amusing)
So there Roy Hauer, of Hope Hull Alabama (US), Poser-Troll Failure
sits. Waiting on me.
He's a failure. However, he's too stupid to realize yet.
Well Roy...
Once again I'm going to go enjoy life once again.
You just sit there waiting in front of your lonely computer screen all
day, and night just waiting for my return.
Because you know Roy.........
I could post something at any moment.
How about I give you a little break. It's a lovely day.
I'll tell you that I won't be posting for at least an hour and a half.
I'm going to wash my gorgeous Sonic Blue Mustang GT, and then wax it
of course.
So while I'm busy pampering my car, how about you take a shower,
shave, and for goodness sake - GET RID OF THAT PEE BOTTLE!! That's
Step outside and take a deep breath. Let the sunshine shine down on
your face.
Oops.....a bird crapped in your eye.
= )~